app development

Who already has a long experience in project management, offers you practical solutions to the three problems most often encountered during the development of an application or a site:

A start-up period that was too stealthy and summary

When a new project starts, anything seems possible! It’s the honeymoon, the novelty is intoxicating, the possibilities are endless, and the excitement is at its height. As for them, the risks are not always perceptible at first glance and their analysis requires time and effort. However, it is at this critical moment that they must be given the greatest importance since risk management is also the ability to anticipate and adapt to a potential pitfall. However, this does not mean that you have to fear twists and turns and necessarily plan everything, you need a happy medium. Often referred to as “Sprint 0”, “analysis”, “design”, “discovery”, whatever name you give it, this step is crucial for the project. It allows you to set the table, establish a good foundation, take the time to reflect and prepare the project to come. Among the activities commonly included, we find the elaboration of the client’s needs, the refinement of the “backlog” of tasks to be performed, the definition of success criteria for “stories”, the creation of functional models or “wireframes”, the writing the test plan, creating environments, carrying out a proof of concept or studies on the user experience, etc. As a result, as in any new initiative, there is often this natural eagerness that leads us to want to quickly get to the heart of the matter. Moreover, this haste can be accentuated by constraints such as a tight deadline or a limited budget. This is how the first, yet crucial stages of a project are often overlooked and deprioritized. A lack of vision then follows and the risks of rewriting then become prominent. It’s a bit like building a house without having a plan or inventory of the necessary materials. You may later have to move a wall or often return to the hardware store or other suppliers to obtain the necessary materials.


It has been demonstrated to us over and over again in our practice that even before the start of the project, an effort of 15-20% of the total amount of the project should be granted to the preparatory stages. It may seem like a big investment for little in return, but think again! This step will save you enough on production efficiency and limit rewriting efforts to such an extent that you will be convinced of its value. Try it out for yourself and you will see! Rework (“refactoring”) is part of the processes required for each Maven Digital mobile app development Dubai period. It consists of reworking the source code in order to standardize it and improve its internal structure, without modifying the external behavior of the code. It therefore excludes any addition of features or correction of bugs. It makes the software easier to understand and maintain, it helps find bugs and speeds up programming. It’s a bit like cleaning your closets and organizing the contents of your drawers well to accommodate new content and make it easy to access later. When a project is built on existing bases, either with the use of code that does not belong to you, or with code inherited from a technology that is no longer supported, time will need to be allowed for rework. However, even if your project starts from a blank drawing board and you are the instigator, SEO Melbourne we do not get away! It will still be necessary to plan for remanufacturing fairly quickly in the project and the need will be greater with the evolution of the project and the addition of new functionalities. It will therefore be necessary to plan in the sprints of mid-project and the penultimate sprints a greater part of rework. Our practice has shown us that 10% rework is normally sufficient to keep the software easy to understand, debug and maintain, in addition to speeding up programming afterwards. Although one might think that a priori a client will necessarily be happier if we do more than the original request and accept all last minute changes, he will be less so if he realizes that his project is then threatened by these additions or that its budgetary constraints can no longer be respected. It is therefore important to be transparent with clients, to document the changes and assess each request in order to then warn the client of the potential financial impacts or the consequences that these could have on the project schedule. Even when the impact seems small to you, it’s important to document and track it, because a pile of small, insignificant changes can have a huge impact on your project if you don’t follow them carefully. Keeping a register of changes, like keeping a register of risks, is an essential solution. Ideally, we put it online and we invite the customer to consult it each time we add content. We then prioritize the requests so as not to threaten the initial objective of the sprints and the project with interesting elements to have, but not priority. For some large projects, requests for changes are so numerous that a weekly meeting is devoted to it, possibly combined with that of the follow-up of bugs and / or risks. To conclude, it is thanks to a solid experience resulting from a portfolio of varied projects, efficient communication, great attention to knowledge transfer, both in development and in project management, that we ensure that best practices be used in digital land crusades. I strongly recommend keeping a list of lessons learned and history of problems / solutions, then ensuring that the learning is shared with all communities of practice. This will ensure continuous improvement within practices and transform individual and collective knowledge into organizational learning. In today’s competitive environment, such a pragmatic development approach is at the heart of what the learning company presents.

By Anurag Rathod

Anurag Rathod is an Editor of, who is passionate for app-based startup solutions and on-demand business ideas. He believes in spreading tech trends. He is an avid reader and loves thinking out of the box to promote new technologies.